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“The definition of the wines from the Centeilles winemaking estate could be refinement, delicacy, elegance, and above all authenticity and honesty. We like to give a voice to the grape and the land around the Centeilles Chapel.”
At the time when the Languedoc vineyard was being reconstituted after phylloxera, some native grape varieties were abandoned for cultural and economic reasons…
The siliceous pebbly soil, overlaying tertiary sandstone (Bartonian) which is more fissured here than elsewhere, reveals through its hot and filtering qualities…
A beautiful old Grenache Gris vine with its twisted arms… Curiously pruned with a technique that’s halfway between the “gobelet” and the “Cordon de Royat”…
Our passion constantly floods us with fresh inspiration. This year, we wanted to make a “real” rosé by playing solely with our rare grape varieties in grey, pink and Verdal…